Music & Memories Sunday, July 7, 2024

Music & Memories
Broadcast for Sunday July 7, 2024
Covering the deaths from July 7-13, 2024 
Good morning and welcome to Music & Memories.
This is Linda Sue, and I am the grief specialist at Patton-Schad Funeral Home. It is my pleasure to bring you this week’s program on KASM. This program is our way of reaching out to help families deal with those difficult days surrounding the death anniversary of a loved one.
With July 4th behind us we become aware of how fast time goes; we're almost in mid-summer. Grief too can sometimes feel like the loss was so far away, then other times it may feel as if it has all just happened. Grief pain has to be experienced and felt in order for healing to occur, and we can move forward. We've heard it said that "time heals all" and this is true. The pain will become softer as time goes on, but the pain will never really go away. "The greater the love the greater the pain". Ask yourself, would my loved one want me to live life always sad or would they want me to live life with joy and carry them in our heart forever? We know they would want us to live! Be gentle with you and allow joy to enter into your heart!
This program is dedicated to the memory of: 

Milford Baggenstoss who died June 19, 2024
Alma Baggenstoss who died June 27, 1997
Bernard Simon who died July 3, 1989
Rodney Lanners who died July 4, 2020
Rose Primus who died July 5, 1972
Leo Schneider who died July 7, 2005
Agatha Roering who died July 7, 1990
Hubert H. Barthel who died July 7, 1967
Rita Groetsch who died July 8, 2022
Herman Behnen Sr. who died July 8, 1969
Richard “Rick” Rieland who died July 9, 2021
Eugene “Gene” Athmann who died July 9, 2012
Henry Feldewerd who died July 9, 1971
Joshua “Josh” Young who died July 10, 2022
Henry Kampsen who died July 10, 2001
Veronica Weber who died July 10, 2000
Tom Justin who died July 10, 2019
David Herdering who died July 10, 1980
LeRoy “Roy” Vos who died July 11, 2015
Vern Linz who died July 11, 2014
Connie Fiedler who died July 11, 2009
Sister Mary Neil Notch who died July 11, 1995
Katherine Ostendorf who died July 11, 1978
Carol Norris who died July 12, 2023
Mae Beste who died July 12, 2023
Bernice Behnen who died July 12, 2023
Edwin “Ed” Koenig who died July 12, 2022
Bryan J. Silbernagel who died July 12, 2009
Rose Roering who died July 12, 1990
Victoria “Vicki” Athmann who died July 13, 1999

We encourage you as family and friends to show that you care by remembering these families, this week, with a phone call, a card, or a visit.

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