Music & Memories
Broadcast for Sunday March 17, 2024
Covering the deaths from March 17-23, 2024
Good morning and welcome to Music & Memories.
This is Linda Sue, and I am the grief specialist at Patton-Schad Funeral Home. It is my pleasure to bring you this week’s program on KASM. This program is our way of reaching out to help families deal with those difficult days surrounding the death anniversary of a loved one.
Pain of grief when it's a holiday or celebration like today, St. Patrick’s Day can be difficult. The best support we can give each other and ourselves on these many holidays is to mention our loved ones name and just acknowledge them and that "yes" I miss you. Speaking of our loved one can be so healing and offer a better feeling of the holiday in general. An Irish Blessing... "May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand."
This program is dedicated to the memory of:
Bernard “Bernie” Liestman who died March 6, 1990
Martha Neidecker who died March 10, 2015
Leona Schneider who died March 11, 2017
Lucy Schueler who died March 14, 1990
Richard “Dick” Braulick who died March 16, 2023
Kenneth “Kenny” Pfannenstein who died March 16, 2015
Debra “Debbie” Gieske who died March 17, 2023
Marvin May who died March 17, 2013
Beth Peschel Deppa who died March 17, 2012
Bart McKenney who died March 17, 1980
Sister Adelaide Koetter who died March 17, 1943
Christopher Winter who died March 18, 2022
Frederick “Freddy” Messer who died March 18, 2022
Dee Bayer who died March 18, 2018
Audrey Olberding who died March 18, 2015
William “O’l Bill” Haroldson who died March 18, 2012
Andrew Volante who died March 18, 2011
Joseph K. Trobec who died March 18, 2008
Alvina Stilling who died March 18, 2000
Larry Hokanson who died March 19, 2023
Geraldine “Geri” Ostendorf who died March 19, 2023
Joyce Duerr who died March 19, 2022
Michael Brunette-Metzger who died March 19, 2017
Monica Meyer who died March 19, 2016
Ervin Klehr Sr. who died March 19, 1959
Leopoldo Martinez-Orozco who died March 20, 2023
Robert “Bob” Rothstein who died March 20, 2022
Tony Kerfeld who died March 20, 2017
Rosella Hanauer who died March 20, 1993
Donald “Donnie” Feldewerd who died March 21, 2023
Loren Mick who died on March 21, 2011
Helen Holdvogt who died March 21, 2008
Kenneth “Ken” Palmersheim who died March 21, 1986
Lisa Bailey who died March 22, 2022
Robert “Bob” Hanauer who died March 22, 2021
Margie Duclos who died March 22, 2015
Carlie Lemke who died March 23, 2019
Mathilda Schneider who died March 23, 1996
Loretta Imdieke who died March 23, 1969
We encourage you as family and friends to show that you care by remembering these families, this week, with a phone call, a card, or a visit.