Music & Memories Sunday, July 30, 2023

Music & Memories Radio Script
Broadcast for Sunday, July 30, 2023
Covering the deaths from July 30 – Aug 5, 2023
Good morning and welcome to Music & Memories.
This is Linda Sue and I am the grief specialist at Patton-Schad Funeral Home. It is my pleasure to bring you this week’s program on KASM. This program is our way of reaching out to help families deal with those difficult days surrounding the death anniversary of a loved one.
Just about the time when you fear that you are not going to feel better, something will happen to give you hope. You may hear from an old friend, have the opportunity to help someone, or find yourself laughing at a funny tv show. Open yourself up to opportunities that provide positive distractions during this grieving process. You need to feel joy to help your healing process.
This program is dedicated to the memory of:
Mary Gill who died July 26, 2013
Aloys “Al” Pfannenstein Sr. who died July 30, 1980

Victor “Vic” Bromenschenkel who died July 31, 2019
Colette Theis who died July 31, 2004
Nellie Athmann who died July 31, 1995
Gertrude Gill who died August 1, 1972
Donald “Don” Kendle who died August 1, 2022
Robert “Bob” Schmiesing who died August 1, 2021
Daniel Holthaus who died August 1, 2018
Alloys “Al” Pfannenstein, Jr. who died August 1, 2008
Dustin “Dusty” Olmschenk who died August 2, 2021
Benno Kalthoff who died August 2, 1986
Margaret Kalthoff who died August 2, 1986
Jeff Kalthoff who died August 2, 1986
Julie Kalthoff who died August 2, 1986
Patty Cunningham who died August 2, 1985
Jane Ebensteiner-Berns who died August 3, 2022
Loren “Bubba” Ritter who died August 3, 2021
Frannie Trobec who died August 3, 2005
Nettie Kammers who died August 3, 1984
Edward Burg who died August 3, 1981
Lorraine Imdieke who died August 4, 2022
Ray Hieserich who died August 4, 2017
Rose Thielen Enneking who died A
ugust 4, 1954
David Rieland who died August 5, 2022
Alvina Barthel who died August 5, 2002
LeRoy Hoeschen who died August 5, 2018
Frank Zwack who died August 5, 1960

We encourage you as family and friends to show that you care by remembering these families, this week, with a phone call, a card, or a visit.

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