Music & Memories
Broadcast for Sunday Jan 21, 2024
Covering the deaths from Jan 21-27, 2024
Good morning and welcome to Music & Memories.
This is Linda Sue, and I am the grief specialist at Patton-Schad Funeral Home. It is my pleasure to bring you this week’s program on KASM. This program is our way of reaching out to help families deal with those difficult days surrounding the death anniversary of a loved one.
Mid-January and MN weather as we know it can bring on midwinter blues. This along with your grief pain can try to bury you in your emotions. We're kept busy through the holidays with all the busyness and hustle and bustle and now, emptiness and quiet. We, as an unwritten rule, are not comfortable with silence. Silence can become our friend by just "being" and listening to our hearts. In doing so we realize we have choices. Choices to remain where we are or getting out and trying something new. Being aware of getting plenty of sunshine, healthy eating, exercise, sharing memories, stories and tears with family and friends can all contribute to your not getting caught up in those midwinter blues.
This program is dedicated to the memory of:
Richard Roering who died January 15, 2019
Betty Roering who died January 20, 2016
Darlene Kuhl who died January 20, 2013
Edwin Wander who died January 20, 2005
Leroy Bloch who died January 20, 2003
Anna Mae Haskamp who died January 21 2023
Ronald “Ron” Magner who died January 21, 2022
Earl Backes who died January 21, 2017
Marcella Frericks who died January 21, 2012
Lorraine “Mickey” Wessel who died January 22, 2014
Lois Pflipsen who died January 21, 1999
Elmer Wuertz who died January 21 1996
Donald Pfannenstein who died January 21, 1989
Fred Painter who died January 22, 2022
John B. Meyer who died January 22, 1985
Hilda Notch who died January 22, 1979
Aloys Meyer who died January 22, 1957
Dorothy Ashbaugh who died January 23, 2023
Ken Kuebelbeck who died January 23, 2021
Ronald Eisenschenk who died January 23, 2020
Bill Bredeck who died January 23, 2015
Delphine Klisch Meyer who died January 23, 2004
Virgil Gettel who died January 23, 2002
Irene A. Block who died January 23, 1989
Stanley “Stan” Patyk who died January 24, 2023
Nathan Rothstein who died January 24, 2022
Mary Ann Gerads who died January 24, 2011
Michael “Mike” Beliveau who died January 25, 2022
Denise Scepaniak who died January 25, 2022
Kathleen “Kitty” Zwilling Burdick who died January 25, 2020
Elizabeth Weber who died January 25, 2001
Gene Boecker who died January 25, 2017
Kenneth Kalthoff who died January 25, 1984
Donald “Don” Gaebel who died January 26, 2022
Mae Lyon who died January 26, 2018
Gery Czeck who died January 26, 2013
Mary Pallow who died January 26, 2011
Josepha “Sapha” Kerfeld who died January 26, 2009
Andrew “Andy” Roering who died January 26, 2006
Hugo Lieser who died January 26, 2004
Andrew J. Hansen who died January 26, 1996
Clarence Blonigen who died January 27, 2023
Juan Nunez Avila who died January 27, 2023
Dianne Thomas who died January 27, 2023
Raymond Sobiech who died January 27, 2011
Viola Olmscheid who died January 27, 2007
Marie Zwilling who died January 27, 1994
We encourage you as family and friends to show that you care by remembering these families, this week, with a phone call, a card, or a visit.