Music & Memories Sunday, April 2, 2023

Music & Memories Radio Script

Broadcast for Sunday, April 2, 2023
Covering the deaths from April 2 – 8, 2023
Good morning and welcome to Music & Memories.
This is Linda Sue and I am the grief specialist at Patton-Schad Funeral Home. It is my pleasure to bring you this week’s program on KASM. This program is our way of reaching out to help families deal with those difficult days surrounding the death anniversary of a loved one.
Every once in a while, when you least expect it, you will say something and hear your loved one's voice as your own. Those moments are fleeting but are truly one of the greatest gifts.
This program is dedicated to the memory of:
 Dave Roering who died April 1, 2016
Aaron Kroshus who died April 2, 2021
Erma Bautsch who died April 2, 2019
Sebastian Locnikar who died April 2, 1956
Eugene Cremers who died April 2, 1989
Richard “Dick” Rousslang who died April 2, 2020
Celestine “Sally” Rousslang who died April 2, 1997
Eugene Marthaler who died April 2, 1983
Gary “Bucky” Backes who died April 2, 2020
Gladys Kass who died April 3, 2021
Gertrude Schulte who died April 3, 1968
Laura Scherping who died April 3, 2003
LuVern Goebel who died April 3, 2022
Lawrence Trettel who died April 3, 2021
Jack Eveslage who died April 4, 1999
Doris Slivnik who died April 4, 2011
Herman Quade who died April 4, 1992
Ralph Petermeier who died April 4, 2011
Joseph Kramer who died April 4, 2007
Clara Klaphake who died April 4, 1991
Donna Baum who died April 5, 2002
Bernard “Bernie” Wiebolt who died April 5, 2022
Conrad “Connie” Kettler who died April 5, 2022
Mary Lou Zenzen who died April 5, 2021
Vince Kotschevar who died April 5, 1991
Aloys “Pete” Hoppe who died April 5, 2019
Mary Lou Zenzen who died April 5, 2021
Sandra Workman who died April 7, 2022
Luckie Bjelland who died April 7, 2021
Ginger Keppers who died April 7, 2018
Herman Rohe, Jr. who died April 7, 2003
Frank Goebel who died April 7, 1923
Alice Fenlason who died April 7, 2011
Virgil Douvier who died April 7, 2015
Brenda Baum who died April 8, 2018
Rose Stoermann who died April 8, 2022
Veronica Feldewerd who died April 8, 2011
Julie Stueve who died April 8, 2019
Vernon Bellmont who died April 8, 1996
Mary Forner who died April 8, 1973
David Gary Ostendorf who died April 8, 2012
Robert Sipper who died April 8, 1993
Henry Duclos who died April 8, 2007
We encourage you as family and friends to show that you care by remembering these families, this week, with a phone call, a card, or a visit.
If you have someone you would like us to remember, you are welcome to give us a call or send us the name to our Melrose or Sauk Centre locations. You can also visit the “Music & Memories” page on our website at and submit a name online. No matter how you send us the information we ask that you do so a couple of weeks in advance to ensure your loved one’s name will be announced on the correct Sunday. 
At you’ll find our latest obituary listings right on our home page and just below them is a link to join our obituary email list. 
This has been Linda Sue for Patton-Schad Funeral & Cremation Services – Honoring Life’s Memories. 
Thank you for listening and God bless!   

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